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#153 adm1n
周三 2月 05, 2020 12:03 pm
Let’sEncrypt 证书 API 升级了
用的 LNMP 1.6 服务器,上个月一个 SSL 证书到期,并没有自动更新,那个郁闷了,于是试用手工更新方式:

查看 LNMP 的证书自动更新命令
代码: 全选crontab -l
代码: 全选38 0 * * * "/root/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/root/.acme.sh" > /dev/null
OK, 把命令(带""号哦)复制下来手工运行:
代码: 全选"/root/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/root/.acme.sh"
代码: 全选cd /usr/local/acme.sh acme.sh --renew -d cooleasy.com
代码: 全选[Tue Sep 24 10:42:36 EEST 2019] Getting domain auth token for each domain [Tue Sep 24 10:52:39 EEST 2019] It seems the CA server is busy now, let’s wait and retry. Sleeping 1 seconds. [Tue Sep 24 11:02:45 EEST 2019] It seems the CA server is busy now, let’s wait and retry. Sleeping 1 seconds.
根据提示,或也可以查看 log, 基本怀疑是服务器连接出了问题。于是,拖了2天再试,还是同亲在的错误提示,这不科学呀,这么知名的免费证书,多少人在用的。只好到官网看看有什么反应,原来9月份人家就升级 API CDN 接口了:
代码: 全选Today we have transitioned to a new CDN for the Production API. The change should already be visible worldwide. We expect that this change will not affect any client software. We had previously made this transition for the Staging API: New CDN for the Staging API With the new CDN, we have the opportunity to terminate TLS ourselves. The most visible change will be that the API will present a different TLS certificate. This will validate normally. We’ll also be able to make more agile ciphersuite changes in the future. If you notice changes to API availability or behavior, please bring this to our attention here in the community forum. Thank you!
因为 LNMP 的 Let’sEncrypt 证书支持,用的是 acme.sh 程序,那就得看这程序是否已经有新版升级了。
果不出所料, https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh 已经升级了此程序。接下来就好办了。
代码: 全选cd /usr/local/acme.sh acme.sh --upgrade
代码: 全选acme.sh --renew -d 您的域名

文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42527192/a ... /102883616